How to personalize your Photonesto account

Promote your brand thanks to Photonesto.

Account personalization in Photonesto let you customise some of the photo gallery elements.

You can upload your own browser favicon for instance.

Additionally you can add link to your social media profiles or your website. You can also add your phone number. Thanks to all of this your clients are able to contact you directly from the gallery.

1. Login to photographer panel

First step you have to make is login to Photonesto photographer panel. To login you have to provide e-mail and password on login page.

If you do not have an account you can create new HERE.

Once you are logged in into photographer panel click in top right corner.

Select Settings from the menu and make sure your are in "Account personalization" section on left hand site.

2. Upload your custom favicon

You can easily change browser icon (favicon) in your Photonesto account.

In "Icon" section click , and select file from your computer containing new icon.

Remember to click button to confirm.

Browser icon (favicon) must be square shaped and not bigger than 64px on 64px.

With Photonesto you can easily add your contact details, thanks to that your clients can contact you during photo browsing or follow you on social media.

In "Contact information" secion you can find list of properties, which will display in your photo gallery.

In Your signature field provide your custom brand name. Fill in other fields like phone number or website url.

Remember to all the changes you have done.

Once you done all the changes you should verify the result. Go to login page of any gallery your have in Photonesto.

On login page you should see that browser icon changed to your custom one.

Due to browser caching mechanism some of the changes can have effect after a few hours, you can clear browser cache to mitigate it.

Login to your gallery next. Below cover photo if your gallery have one, you should see your contact details which your provided in previous step.

After clicing on icon you should land on your website. Other icons will direct you to social media accounts like Instagram for example.


Promoting your website or social media accounts thanks to Photonesto is really easy.

Acquire new clients, promote your company brand, mange your galleries and do it with Photonesto.

If you do not use Photonesto yet, try it now!